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Housing movement on the move: conversation with Aedes

On January 31, 2022, some representatives of the housing movement had a conversation with Aedes, the sector association of housing associations, about affordability, housing security and equal access to housing for tenants and house seekers. Unfortunately, Aedes does not want to comply with our demands. We are preparing for tougher actions. Of course we remain open to the conversation, but the ball is now in Aedes's court.

Housing movement on the move: conversation with Aedes Read More »

Residential revolt surprised at the premature settlement of the 'Evaluation in dialogue' motion about police action

In a letter to the Rotterdam city council, Mayor Aboutaleb says that he considers the motion 'Evaluation in dialogue' that was adopted by the council on November 11, 2021 "discontinued". However, there is as yet no public view from the police/triangle and no discussion has taken place between the triangle and Woonopstand. Residential uprising responds in a letter to the city council.

Residential revolt surprised at the premature settlement of the 'Evaluation in dialogue' motion about police action Read More »

Housing struggle in 2022! Overview of upcoming national and local housing promotions.

On October 17, 2021, between 8,000 and 10,000 people came to the national Woonopstand in Rotterdam. There we made a joint fist with a broad coalition. It is high time for a radically different housing policy. But the housing struggle continues, also in 2022! Residential protests will be organized at both local and national level in the coming months. Here's an overview.

Housing struggle in 2022! Overview of upcoming national and local housing promotions. Read More »

PRESS RELEASE: Residential uprising presents black book police action October 17, demands independent investigation

Today Woonopstand presents a black book with statements and images of victims and witnesses of the absurd, reprehensible and violent police action during the demonstration in Rotterdam on 17 October. We condemn the excessive police action and demand that Mayor Aboutaleb initiate an independent external investigation.

PRESS RELEASE: Residential uprising presents black book police action October 17, demands independent investigation Read More »

Black Book Police Violence

Following the police action during the Residential Revolt on October 17, 2021,
many protesters shared their stories with us. As an organization we have tried to gain insight
to be obtained in the course of the day and the actions of the police. The statements cover
different times of the day and come from protesters who stand both in front, in the middle
as found at the back of the march.

Black Book Police Violence Read More »

November 3, Rotterdam: demonstration against police violence

On Sunday 17 October we revolted against the housing policy in Rotterdam. A peaceful protest in which some 8,000 people took part. A protest that was brutally disrupted by the Rotterdam police on the Erasmus Bridge. Next Thursday, November 4, the Rotterdam city council will debate this one-sided and brutal police brutality. The violence on the Erasmus Bridge is yet another addition to the endless list of scandals at the Rotterdam police force.

November 3, Rotterdam: demonstration against police violence Read More »
