
- national housing movement -


We demand a say: democratize housing associations

Woonopstand finds the national demolition and renovation statute anti-social and does not understand that the Woonbond dares to present this to its members. It undermines real control that many housing association tenants have been fighting for for years. As Woonopstand we demand that this statute is immediately withdrawn and that the democratization of

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STOP THE REAL ESTATE PROFITS! | Promotion at Provada June 11, 1:00 PM

Woonopstand will take action against Dutch real estate profiteers at the national real estate fair Provada on June 11 at 1 p.m. Parasitic real estate investors, private (large) landowners, slum landlords and other predatory investors come together here. They make the lives of many hundreds of thousands of people miserable. Participants in this fair are responsible for all kinds of abuses in public housing.

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Vacancies Residential

Woonopstand consists of a national coalition to which various housing action groups from all over the country are affiliated. We support and co-organize actions and initiatives throughout the country, and we can always use more help with that. Would you like to volunteer a few hours per week or per month to participate in the housing movement?

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