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HOUSING STAND National living demo – October 17 – Rotterdam

RESIDENTIAL REVOLT National housing demonstration - October 23 - Rotterdam We are in a housing revolt and will make a joint fist with a broad coalition on October 17. More and more people, young and old, renters and buyers, are affected by the housing crisis. It is high time for a radically different housing policy. Houses for people, not for profit! The past

HOUSING STAND National living demo – October 17 – Rotterdam Read More »

Launch petition: Stop evictions. Housing security for everyone, especially during the corona crisis.

Launch of petition: Stop evictions. Housing security for everyone, especially during the corona crisis. At a time when the government is trying to control the corona pandemic (with major consequences for people's lives and the economy), we, people, organizations and associations, demand that measures taken to protect public health are accessible to the entire population.

Launch petition: Stop evictions. Housing security for everyone, especially during the corona crisis. Read More »

National and international demonstration March 28 postponed.

National and international demonstration March 28 postponed. The #woonopstand demo Houses for people not for profit! of March 28 in Amsterdam has been canceled due to the corona pandemic. We will soon set a new (inter)national action date and keep you informed. The fight for dignified living continues. That is why we have a housing revolt every day. We

National and international demonstration March 28 postponed. Read More »
