
- national housing movement -

Join the Woonrevolt! Respond to our vacancies:

On October 17, 2021, we made a joint fist with a broad coalition. More and more people, young and old, tenants and buyers, are being affected by the housing crisis. It is high time for a radically different housing policy. After half a year full of national and local housing campaigns, the Woonopstand will continue as a national coalition in which all housing campaign groups work closely together. 

Housing insecurity has also increased in the Netherlands in recent decades. Homelessness has doubled and the housing shortage has exploded. Renting has become more flexible and many people are forced to live temporarily, insecurely, or too expensively. Social rental housing is sold, demolished and liberalized on a large scale. Social renting is marginalized, while the private rental sector is expensive and uncertain. Homes for sale are also out of reach for many. Housing costs are rising. Home evictions are on the rise. And the less wealthy are being pushed out of the city, while the middle incomes are also falling between two stools. At the same time, investors and speculators are taking their chances: for them, housing is a commodity, the safest investment worldwide for those who want to make a profit. All this is the result of deliberate political policy. 


Making banners for the #Woon uprising!

Making banners for the #Woonrevolt! Various initiatives are already appearing to jointly create banners, canvases and signs for the LIVING UPSTAND National living demonstration – October 17 – Rotterdam! 02/10 in the De Samenscholen by BPW The Hague 09/10 in Het Wijkpaleis by Cultural Workers Unite (Rotterdam) 13/10 at PvdA Rotterdam 14/10

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Residential stand starting location known!

Residential revolt starting location known! The location of the LIVING OPSTAND National living demonstration – October 17 – Rotterdam has been announced! 2:00 PM start of the Afrikaanderpark program Around 3:30 PM march across the Erasmus Bridge to the Markthal (Blaak) Around 5:00 PM closing Make yourself heard and come to protest, we will see you on October 17 in Rotterdam! More

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The Housing Manifesto – From housing market to housing law!

The Housing Manifesto – From housing market to housing law! Dozens of action groups and civil society organizations that organize or support the Housing Protest and the Housing Revolt are joining forces. Politics has allowed the housing crisis to get completely out of hand. With this manifesto we call on the House of Representatives and forming parties to immediately

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Action calendar

Want to see your action on our website, socials and the action calendar? Register your action with us now!

Support the national coalition Woonopstand!

The Woonopstand will continue as a national coalition in which various housing action groups from all over the country are affiliated. We will continue to organize and support actions and initiatives, and have therefore decided to return the donation form to our site. Support the national housing movement Woonopstand with a donation and ensure that we can continue to commit ourselves to a radically different housing policy! 

About us

The #WOONOPSTAND is a broad coalition of (residential) struggle movements, action groups and organizations that work together from the bottom up to radically change housing policy.

On March 28, 2020, we jointly organized the national demonstration 'Houses for People, Not for Profit' which was postponed due to the corona pandemic. We called on the cabinet and landlords, among other things, to stop evictions and rent reductions because of the additional negative consequences of homelessness during a pandemic.

On October 17, 2021, the coalition again organized a national demonstration “Residential Rebellion” in Rotterdam and we showed solidarity with various housing demonstrations and tenant campaigns in the Netherlands.

Do you agree with our views and working method? Then let us know! We would like to continue and expand the Woonopstand coalition and ask if you would also like to participate in this. Because we are stronger together than alone. Are you organizing a (living) action soon and do you need our solidarity? Register your action with us now, then we will post it on our website and socials!

We are in housing revolution because:

We call on everyone to show solidarity and fight together for our housing future.

We demand:

read here all our requirements back with extensive explanation!

Signed and supported by

A broad movement of activist groups and organizations from all over the country will protest in various places in the country for a better housing policy in the coming period. Now is the time to demand change: the new cabinet is coming and local politicians are preparing for the municipal elections in March 2022.

The Woonopstand is an initiative of:

And is supported by:

support organizations

Would you also like to support the #Woonopstand and sign the page as an organization? Sign here!

    Action material



    For press and/or other questions, please contact Abel Heijkamp (06-47686543), or use the contact form below.
