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De aanval op sociale huurders – een schandalige koers van de minister van Volkshuisvesting & Ruimtelijke Ordening

De recente uitspraak van de minister Keijzer (BBB) van Volkshuisvesting en Ruimtelijke Ordening (03:24:30 tot 03:25:10), waarin zij gemeenten oproept om niet meer dan 30% sociale huurwoningen te bouwen, is een regelrechte aanval op sociale huurders en woningzoekenden. Het getuigt van een schrijnend gebrek aan inzicht in de wooncrisis in Nederland. Met haar uitspraak legitimeert zij een beleid dat grootgrondbezitters, projectontwikkelaars en parasitaire beleggers volop ruimte geeft om exorbitant dure woningen te bouwen. Met de acute woningnood waarin honderdduizenden mensen verkeren is dit niet alleen ondoordacht; het is een directe aanval op mensen in de kwetsbaarste positie: dakloze mensen en mensen met een lager inkomen.

De aanval op sociale huurders – een schandalige koers van de minister van Volkshuisvesting & Ruimtelijke Ordening Read More »

Action report 'STOP THE REAL ESTATE PROFITERS!' | Provada, June 11, 2024

Woonopstand, a coalition of organizations and action groups, organized a noisy protest action on June 11 in front of the real estate fair Provada, in the Amsterdam RAI.

In a part of the square at the entrance that was cordoned off by barriers, where all visitors had to pass and which was covered in banners, a lively programme of speakers and music was set up in two hours. Visitors to Provada had to pass by and could not really avoid it. Once inside, they probably did not notice much of it, but many kept coming back to see what was happening there. A camera crew from MAX, led by Cees Grimbergen, also came to make recordings. They had been refused access to the interior of Provada because they were supposedly 'critical'.

Action report 'STOP THE REAL ESTATE PROFITERS!' | Provada, June 11, 2024 Read More »

No Border Camp 2024 | Stop the Scapegoat Politics: HOUSES FOR EVERYONE!

It is now widely acknowledged that there is an unprecedented housing crisis in the Netherlands. However, what is seen as the cause of this crisis still varies greatly. Our far-right government would like to convince you that you cannot find a house because of an increase in migration to the Netherlands. This way they can avoid the real core of the problem. The impact of migration on housing is nothing compared to more than twenty years of neoliberal politics. It is the failure of the government that has restricted the social housing sector and it is their friends on the housing market who profit from this crisis. Don't blame migrants!

No Border Camp 2024 | Stop the Scapegoat Politics: HOUSES FOR EVERYONE! Read More »

June 29, Utrecht: flyer campaign against national demolition and renovation statute

On June 29, the association council of the Woonbond in Utrecht will make a decision about signing the national demolition and renovation statute. The national housing movement Woonopstand rejects this statute and will therefore call on the members of the association council with a flyer campaign on June 29 not to sign the statute, under the motto “Tenants do not want tick-the-box participation”. Woonopstand demands that the Woonbond renegotiate the demolition and renovation statute. Woonopstand previously sent this letter to the association council of the Woonbond.

June 29, Utrecht: flyer campaign against national demolition and renovation statute Read More »

We demand a say: democratize housing associations

Woonopstand finds the national demolition and renovation statute anti-social and does not understand that the Woonbond dares to present this to its members. It undermines real control that many housing association tenants have been fighting for for years. As Woonopstand, we demand that this statute be taken off the table immediately and that the democratization of housing associations must be put on the agenda.

We demand a say: democratize housing associations Read More »

STOP THE REAL ESTATE PROFITS! | Promotion at Provada June 11, 1:00 PM

Woonopstand will take action against Dutch real estate profiteers at the national real estate fair Provada on June 11 at 1 p.m. Parasitic real estate investors, private (large) landowners, slum landlords and other predatory investors come together here. They make the lives of many hundreds of thousands of people miserable. Participants in this fair are responsible for all kinds of abuses in public housing. Insecurity, flexibilization, evictions, unaffordability, fraud, gentrification, you name it. On June 11, they will negotiate, also together with municipalities and government agencies, about the future of our living environment. The consequences of this public-private partnership are destroying lives and making people homeless. That has to stop!

STOP THE REAL ESTATE PROFITS! | Promotion at Provada June 11, 1:00 PM Read More »

Declaration of support from Woonopstand to the student actions for Palestine

Woonopstand was astonished to learn of the violent police actions in Amsterdam and Utrecht against its own students and teachers. They peacefully protested against the ties of the University of Amsterdam and Utrecht University with academic institutions in Israel. The demonstrators rightly demand that Dutch universities sever these ties, because the academic world in Israel is part of the institutional structure that oppresses the rights of Palestinians and has turned Israel into an apartheid state.

Declaration of support from Woonopstand to the student actions for Palestine Read More »

Vacancies Residential

Woonopstand consists of a national coalition to which various housing action groups from all over the country are affiliated. We support and co-organize actions and initiatives throughout the country, and we can always use more help with that. Would you like to volunteer a few hours a week or a month to strengthen the housing movement in the Netherlands? Then let us hear from you!

Vacancies Residential Read More »
