Housing associations have varied reactions to the actions of their tenants, but are generally not happy with them. Tenants are regularly intimidated by their landlord with threatening letters, e-mails, text messages, telephone calls, home visits, collection agencies and sometimes even the bailiff is called in. While it is your right to refuse the rent increase by not paying it! Would you also like to exercise your legal right and refuse the rent increase in 2023? Follow it Roadmap of We Refuse the Rent Increase!
Housing association Rochdale, one of the oldest corporations in Amsterdam and the surrounding area, is making a lot of noise and was already known for poor maintenance, evictions and inadequate services to its tenants. A large group of Rochdale tenants, opponents of the rent increase and other sympathizers will go to Rochdale's head office in Amsterdam on Thursday, March 30, to express their dissatisfaction and present their demands. We Refuse the Rent Increase agrees with this and demands from Rochdale and all other housing associations in the Netherlands:
1. Stop the threatened rent increase as of July 1, 2023!
2. Stop intimidating tenants who participate in our rental promotion!
3. Freeze rents for at least 5 years!
Come all, together we stand strong and fight for a multi-year rent freeze! To make and keep housing affordable again!
Rochdale housing association,
Bos en Lommerplein 303, Amsterdam
March 30, 2:00 PM
This action is part of the International Week of Action for Affordable Housing, from March 25 to April 2, 2023, including promotions in Zaanstad, Amsterdam, Harlem, Arnhem & Den Bosch! For more activities and promotions during this action week, keep the Action Calendar of Housing Rebellion closely monitor.