
- national housing movement -

June 29, Utrecht: flyer campaign against national demolition and renovation statute

On June 29, the association council of the Woonbond in Utrecht will make a decision about signing the national demolition and renovation statute. The national housing movement Woonopstand rejects this statute and will therefore call on the members of the association council with a flyer campaign on June 29 not to sign the statute, under the motto “Tenants do not want tick-the-box participation”. Woonopstand demands that the Woonbond renegotiate the demolition and renovation statute. Woonopstand previously sent this letter to the association council of the Woonbond.

From the call text: “Woonopstand expresses its deep disappointment about the new national demolition and renovation statute that emerged from the discussions between Aedes, the Woonbond and the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK). This statute, which is intended to protect the interests of tenants in major renovations and demolition projects, seriously fails to ensure real control for tenants and harms their right to adequate housing.

Saturday June 29
From 9:30 am
Entrance to La Vie Meeting Center (above Bijenkorf)
Sint Jacobsstraat 61, Utrecht

Check-box participation without real participation

The statute is an example of 'check-the-box participation', where the participation of tenants is only formalized and superficial. Tenants are tired of participation and only want a seat at the table if they can actually participate in the decision-making process. This statute does not offer them that option. The actual decision-making remains in the hands of the housing associations, which in this document are supported by a paternalistic and hierarchical attitude towards tenants. This is unacceptable.

Violation of rights and undermining of mobilization

Renovation and demolition are drastic measures that deeply affect the lives of tenants. The new statute does not sufficiently recognize these drastic measures and undermines the opportunity for tenants to mobilize against unwelcome demolition plans. This statute offers housing associations the means to force tenants to go along with plans that do not benefit them. We must not allow that.

Criticisms and requirements

The statute contains numerous shortcomings, including:

  • It only creates support for housing association plans, without room for alternative residents' plans.
  • It does not offer a return guarantee for residents after demolition or renovation projects.
  • The statute gives corporations the power to determine who their consultation partner is, thereby sidelining critical tenant groups.
  • The residents are not given the opportunity to develop their own alternative plans and have them tested.
  • The orientation phase ends with a decision by the corporation without measuring support among the residents, which is contrary to the Consultation Act.

Call to the Housing Association

Woonopstand calls on the Woonbond not to sign this statute and to instead fight for real say for tenants. Democratization of housing associations must be higher on the agenda. Only by giving tenants a serious voice in decision-making can the necessary changes be achieved.

The Housing Association must not make the same mistake again as with the National Performance Agreements, which led to a very high rent increase and the sale of social housing. It is time to put the interests of tenants first and fight for a fair and democratic housing policy.

Fighting together for justice

Woonopstand will continue to work to get this undemocratic statute off the table. We call on the members of the Woonbond to join us and fight together for real participation and control of tenants. Only together can we bring about the changes that are desperately needed.”

Source: https://www.doorbraak.eu/29-juniutrecht-flyer campaign-against-national-demolition-and-renovation statute/

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