24/10 Young Socialists Housing protest - Arnhem
30/10 Housing shortage Tilburg
31/10 Nijmegen Residential Protest
14/11 Residential Resistance The Hague
21/11 Residential protest Utrecht
Affordable housing is hard to find in Utrecht and the rest of the Netherlands. An owner-occupied home is unaffordable for people with a low or middle income, and if you are already entitled to social housing you will be on the waiting list for 11 years. Our city is not just for the rich. We must now speak out en masse to ensure that action is taken to solve the housing crisis. We demand that the government intervene and take measures for more affordable housing and housing security for everyone. Because living is a right. And houses are for living in, not for making as much profit as possible.
After Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague, there will therefore be a major housing protest in Utrecht on 21 November. The protest will start at 1 pm on the Jaarbeursplein with speakers about the housing crisis and will continue with a march through the city.
The Residential Protest Utrecht is organized by a broad coalition of tenants' organisations, residents' groups, activists and local political parties.
28/11 Residential struggle Groningen
There is a housing crisis throughout the Netherlands. The number of homeless people has doubled in ten years. The housing shortage continues to spiral out of control. Renting is becoming more and more expensive because the amount of social housing is decreasing and prices in the private sector are extremely high. Buying a house with an average income is almost impossible.
House prices are rising fastest in the Northern Netherlands. In the city of Groningen with 25.5% in the past year. (International) students who come to study in Groningen and Leeuwarden cannot possibly get a room. And in the earthquake zone, people have been abandoned by the government. Almost 40 years after the first earthquakes, there is still no proper compensation scheme for the victims and their homes are becoming increasingly unsafe due to the damage.
The policy creates stress and drives communities apart. It threatens the future of our region. It makes the cities unaffordable and the earthquake area unlivable. We must resist that. We speak out against pawnbrokers who milk students. Against the national government that leaves people from the earthquake area out in the cold. We must show solidarity with all the people affected by this crisis.
On November 28, 14:00, we woke up politics. Then we make a fist at the Vismarkt.