There is a lot of vacancy in these neighborhoods because they are part of controversial demolition and new construction plans. The original residents were often resettled years ago with a view to demolition and then the buildings are left empty for a long time or are guarded by temporary tenants without rights. In these neighbourhoods, social cohesion and social control on the streets are deteriorating. Residents no longer feel safe due to the large vacancy and crime and violence in the street increases.
Housing insecurity as a revenue model
The temporary residents are deliberately kept insecure and can be exchanged or evicted at any time while anti-squat companies such as Ad Hoc and VPS fill their pockets. Owner Staedion also benefits from the long-term vacancy and temporary occupation of the demolition buildings. Anti-squat companies take over the concerns of the vacant property while Staedion replaces the original tenants with regular tenancy rights with disenfranchised residents, so that they can start demolition work at any time without offering rehousing. This ensures that residents of anti-squat buildings often become homeless overnight. After all, it is not a free choice for these people to live in demolition buildings without rent rights, it is often their only option for a roof over their heads.
You can learn to organize
That's why we're taking to the streets on the 29th with our flyers, templates and chalk spray, to reach the people facing imminent homelessness and give them the tools to organize themselves and claim housing rights together! Would you like to fly flyers? Send us a message via facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or email to [email protected] we will take your arrival into account!
Residential consultation hours
The Bond Precarious Housing Forms organizes residents in solidarity networks and gives them the moral and legal support to take a stand together against imminent homelessness. We invite everyone who is interested in this to come and talk at the monthly residential consultation hour of BPW The Hague. Every 1st Saturday of the month at Prinsegracht 40 in The Hague. Next date: Saturday, April 1.